Women of Steel Presents Novice Night at The Strength Edge! Novice men and women are invited to listen to guest speaker Martin Parnell share his insights on sport, training, longevity, adversity and living the life you choose! As a marathon runner with, among other things- Guiness World Records, 250 marathons in one year, a 21 hr climb up Mount Kilimanjaro and adventures galore in his 60+ years of life, Martin will be sure to spark your enthusiasm for pursuing your best life.
This is an amazing opportuinty to be introduced to a wide variety of events in an enviroment that is challenging and encouraging! Coaching and lifting will focus on Strongman events such as log press, tire flips, atlas stone, squatting deadlifting, mas wrestling and grip sport. Ladies- this is a great time to practice for our Grit and Glitter competition in March!
Tickets are 1/$25, 2/$40. Etransfer to smcappon@shaw.ca